Upcoming Events
APLAM Presents: Occupy Central and Hong Kong's Democratic Crisis
Curious about the relationship between China and Hong Kong? Wondering why PLA tanks rolled into Hong Kong at the end of August? Want to learn more about the Occupy Central movement and what the current crisis means for the future of Hong Kong? APLAM is convening a panel of experts from McGill University, the University of British Columbia, and the Université de Montréal to discuss different aspects of the crisis.
The panel will take place on Wednesday October 29 from 5:30 to 7:30 in the Stewart Bio building in Room N22 (just opposite the Second Cup) at McGill University, right next door to the Faculty of Law.
See our Facebook Page at https://www.facebook.com/aplam.page.
RSVP at aplam.mcgill@gmail.com.
Past Events
APLAM Panel and Book Launch with Senator Vivienne Poy
On September 30, 2013, in the McGill Faculty of Law, the Asia Pacific Law Association of McGill invited students to attend their book launch event, introducing Senator Vivienne Poy's new book, Passage to Promise Land: Voices of Chinese Immigrant Women to Canada (McGill-Queen's University Press, 2013).
Senator Poy gave an introduction, and guests Me Walter Tom, Professor Grace Fong (McGill University) and Janet Lumb (former director of Acces Asie) held a panel discussion.
About the book
Spanning more than six decades, Passage to Promise Land is a revealing study of Chinese immigration to Canada from the end of the Second World War to the present day. Tracing the evolution of immigration policy through the stories of Chinese immigrant women, Vivienne Poy captures the social, political, and ethnic tensions of the period. Although the narratives included here represent women of all ages and educational backgrounds, they share a common sense of determination and spirited resilience in the face of hardship.
Through their stories we learn about Chinese settlement experience, how the Chinese community developed alongside changes in immigration regulations, and why the immigration of Chinese families to Canada became commonplace in the 1970s. The women address experiences of patriarchy and discrimination in both China and Canada, revive memories of the turbulent years in China at the end of the Pacific War, and speak of their uncertainties about the return of Hong Kong's sovereignty from the United Kingdom to China in 1997. From the very first mention of Chinese women's immigration in Canada's Parliament in 1879, to the end of the twentieth century - when a Chinese woman was appointed Governor General - the road to equality has been long and arduous. Passage to Promise Land details the important events along the way through the voices of the women themselves.
When: Tuesday, September 11, 2012 - 5:30pm
Where: New Chancellor Day Hall - Rm. 312 (3660 Peel)
RSVP: aplam.mcgill@gmail.com
When: Wednesday, February 29, 2012 - 1pm
Where: New Chancellor Day Hall - Rm. 200 (3660 Peel)
RSVP: aplam.mcgill@gmail.com
When: Thursday, February 9, 2012 - 7pm
Where: New Chancellor Day Hall - Rm. 100 (3660 Peel)
Free admission: seats available on a first come first served basis
When: Thursday, February 9, 2012 - 4pm
Where: New Chancellor Day Hall - Lower Atrium (3660 Peel)
Come and meet APLAM executives, take part in a Haiku contest and try our selection of asian treats and local and imported beer.
When: Wednesday, November 23, 2011 - 2:30 - 4pm
Where: New Chancellor Day Hall - Rm. 100 (3644 Peel)
RSVP: aplam.mcgill@gmail.com
ROBERT G. WRIGHT: Former Ambassador to China, Mongolia and Japan
When: Wednesday, November 9, 2011 - 12:45pm - 2pm
Where: New Chancellor Day Hall - Rm. 201 (3644 Peel)
RSVP: aplam.mcgill@gmail.com
When: Thursday, November 3, 2011 - 6pm - 8:30pm
Where: New Chancellor Day Hall - Rm. 102 (3644 Peel)
RSVP: admin@jhkcba.com
Background: Premier Charest recently headed a delegation composed of leading Quebec enterprises and entrepreneurs, visiting China's capital city of Beijing, major finance hub Shanghai and industrial aerospace base Shenyang. From MDEIE’s perspective, speaker Mathieu Cormier, trade director and organizer of the mission will elaborate on key questions such as: What are the implications of this mission? What's the future of Sino-Quebec economicpartnership? What are some of the barriers we as Quebecers need to overcome to consolidate its competitiveness its strategic relationship with China?
Speaker Bio: Mathieu Cormier, International Trade Advisor, China Desk from Ministère du Développement économique, de l'Innovation et de l'Exportation (MDEIE), chief coordinator of the Premier Mission. MDEIE is the trade wing of the Quebec Government to support economic development, innovation and export, as well as research, particularly by encouraging coordinated and concerted action among the various players in the economic, scientific, social and cultural areas in order to promote job creation, economic prosperity, scientific development and sustainable development.
This event is co-sponsored by MDEIE, McGill SSMU, Global China Connection McGill(GCC) and Junior Hong Kong Canada Business Association.
Panel: Obstacles to Canadian Entrepreneurship in China
When: Tuesday, October 25, 2011 - 5:30pm - 7pm
Where: Old Chancellor Day Hall - Rm. 16 (3644 Peel)
RSVP: aplam.mcgill@gmail.com
At the opening of the Montreal branch of the Canada China Business Council (CCBC), Mr. Wang Jinzhen, Vice Chairman of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, gave a speech on business relations between Canada and China. One remark was that Canada had taken too little interest in China noting, amongst others, the lack of student exchanges and a timid business presence in China. The panel, Obstacles to Canadian Entrepreneurship in China, will serve to give a better understanding of the particularities of the Canadian social, business, political and legal landscape that influence the strength of business ties with China. The panellists, who come from different backgrounds, will be able to provide a unique perspective to the issue as well as some guidance on how to stimulate Canadian entrepreneurship in China based on their experience.
The Legal Nomad
When: Tuesday, October 11, 2011 - 12pm - 1pm
Where: TBC
RSVP: aplam.mcgill@gmail.com
The Asia Pacific Law Association is proud to present: The Legal Nomad (aka Jodi Ettenberg, B.C.L./LL.B. ’02). After working as a corporate lawyer in New York for 5+ year, Jodi Ettenberg quit her job to travel around the world. Beginning on April 1, 2008 in Chile, Jodi has travelled through South America, Russia, Siberia, Mongolia and South East Asia, blogging about her adventures along the way. Join APLAM for an intimate lunch with Jodi as she recounts life as a former lawyer and now full-time world traveller.
Diversity and the Changing Face of the Legal Profession
When: Thursday, October 13, 2011 - 4pm - 6:30pm
Where (talk):New Chancellor Day Hall rm 202 - 3644 Peel Street, Montreal
Where (reception):Thompson House, 3650 McTavish, Montreal
RSVP: aplam.mcgill@gmail.com
On Thursday October 13, the Asia Pacific Law Association of McGill, in collaboration with Miller Thomson LLP and the McGill Pre-Law Society, invites you to a panel discussion with Miller Thomson LLP Partners Mr. Douglas Best and Ms. Patricia Fourcand, and Miller Thomson LLP’s Assistant Director of Professional Development Ms. Jessica Watkins on the current state and promotion of diversity in the legal profession. Come join us to find out what diversity in the legal profession really means for students and future lawyers. There will be a reception at Thomson House on 3650 McTavish Street. Free refreshments and drinks will be served at Thomson House, courtesy of Miller Thomson LLP.
Welcome Event!
When: September 28, 2011, 12:30-2:00
Where: Old Chancellor Day Hall Rm. 16
Come to the APLAM Welcome Event! Join us for free sushi and samosas and meet the Executive Team as we discuss our plans for the upcoming year. We hope to see you there!
2011 NAPABA Annual Convention (Sustainability 2011 - Renewal and Growth for Today and Tomorrow
When: November 17-20, 2011
Where: Omni Hotel at CNN Center
100 CNN Center
Atlanta, GA 30303
For more information click here
Film Screening: The Last Train Home
When: January 27, 2011, 6:30-9:00 pm
Where: Room 312, NCDH
APLAM and Dream Corps McGill are pleased to invite you to our very own screening of the award winning documentary “Last Train Home” with director Fan Li Xin. It is a powerful film about a family of migrant workers in China that delves into some of China's most complex social issues. Director Fan Li Xin will attend the screening, give a short talk as well as answer a few questions from the audience.
Please RSVP for this event via aplam.mcgill@gmail.com.
Hope to see you there!
Cleared for take off: Ogilvy Renault joins legal giant Norton Rose LLP
When: February 1st, 2011, at 6 pm
Where: Moot Court, NCDH
You've all heard, talked and read about it... In 2011 Ogilvy Renault will become the first Canadian law firm to go global through a major international merger. What does it mean? Hear it from the source. Managing partner Me Jean Bertrand and Me Nicholas Labrecque, Chair of the Student Committee, will discuss the merger and its implication for YOU and the Canadian legal landscape.
Come see for yourself!
Please RSVP for this event via aplam.mcgill@gmail.com.
Le 1er février de 18h00-19h00 dans la salle Moot Court (NCDH 100), APLAM vous invite à venir discuter avec Me. Jean Bertrand, Associé-directeur du bureau Ogilvy Renault à Montreal, et Me. Nicolas Labrecque, responsable du Comité des étudiants, des implications qu'aura cette fusion pour les étudiants et le paysage juridique canadien.
Vous avez certainement tous entendu parlé de la décision d'Ogilvy Renault de se joindre à Norton Rose et de devenir le premier cabinet d'avocats canadien à faire partie d'un réseau véritablement mondial. Nous vous invitons maintenant en grand nombre pour découvrir ce que ceci signifie pour vous comme étudiants en droit et future avocats.
Nous prévoyons le remplissage de la salle à la capacité alors veuillez s'il vous plaît réserver votre place: aplam.mcgill@gmail.com
When: Anytime!
Where: Online!
APLAM would like to know about your opinion with regards to creating an Asia Law Curriculum at the Faculty. Please fill out the following survey online!Note that only McGill law students are invited to take the survey.
When: November 13, 2010
Where: Toronto, Ont
The 4th Annual Federation of Asian Canadian Lawyers (FACL) Fall Conference is fast approaching. This year, the keynote address will be delivered by Jameel Jaffer, Director of the National Securities Project at the American Civil Liberties Union. Other distinguished speakers include Lee Akazaki, the first ever Asian lawyer to become the president of the Ontario Bar Association. Workshop hosts will feature lawyers from prominent law firms such as: Fraser Milner Casgrain, Goodmans, McMillan, Ridout & Maybee, Glaholt, Miller Thomson, Blaney McMurtry, Gowlings, Fogler Rubinoff, Mushtaq Law, Edwards Angell Palmer & Dodge and Torkin Manes.
This year, the conference will take place at University of Toronto, on Saturday, November 13th. Student registration is $20 and $45 more if you wish to attend the dinner banquet. Additional costs for transportation, which will be cheaper if we can organize group travel.
Registration Info: http://www.facl.ca/Fall-Conference2010.html
If you are not yet a FACL member, please fill out this a membership form (free) and send it in along with the conference registration: http://www.facl.ca/MembershipMDrive.html
Send the package to FACL, c/o OBA, 300-20 Toronto Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5C 2B8 (specifying your attendance to either the conference, the banquet, or both), or in the alternative, give me your forms and cheque and I will send it in along with my own application. If you plan to go, do let us know so we can account for the McGill presence.
Hope to see you there,
Henry Ngan (henry.ngan@mail.mcgill.ca)
When: November 17-21, 2010
Where: Los Angeles, CA
NAPABA is excited to announce its 22nd Annual Convention INSPIRE will be held November 17-21, 2010 in downtown Los Angeles. This will be the first time in over a decade that the NAPABA convention returns to California. Register now to be among the over 1,500 APA attorneys (in private practice, corporations, government, and the public sector), including General Counsels of Fortune 500 Companies, judges and law professors from all over the country who will attend and who will be Inspired.
Among other highlights, the conference will have the largest gathering of federal and state APA judges in history, a Celebrity Welcome Reception, the International Law Symposium, dozens of superb CLE panels, the NAPABA Trailblazer Awards Ceremony, the ever-popular In-house Counsel/ Partners Dinner and our Installation Banquet. There will also be the first-ever NAPABA Convention Community Service Project with two components: a clothing drive for business attire and--stay for Sunday--a Day of Giving Back.
Cost of registration is USD$150 before November 5, with additional costs for flights to LA, hotels, and board (roughly an estimated USD$750 for the whole trip). Those intending to attend should apply directly from the website.
If you are interested in attending, let APLAM know as soon as possible as we would like to help you find funding support for your trip.
Hope to see you there,
Henry Ngan (henry.ngan@mail.mcgill.ca)
An Invitation to the National Asian Pacific American Conference on Law and Public Policy, hosted by Harvard's APALSA
When: Saturday, February 27, 2010
Where: Cambridge, MA
Harvard's APALSA has graciously invited APLAM and its members to partake in the 16th Annual National Asian Pacific American Conference on Law and Public Policy: What Identity? Whose Politics? A group registration rate and travel subsidies are available for those who are interested in attending. Please contact APLAM for more information.
What Identity? Whose Politics?
The 16th Annual National Asian Pacific American Conference on Law and Public Policy
Presented by the Harvard Law School Asian Pacific American Law Students Association
Saturday, February 27, 2010 @ Harvard Law School | Harvard Faculty Club | Charles Hotel
The National Asian Pacific American Conference on Law and Public Policy is the premier conference on law and policy issues relevant to Asian Pacific Americans. Our panels and keynotes reflect a wide range of viewpoints, delving into salient legal themes and substantive policy on the international, national, and local levels. For years, our Conference has been popular with students from a broad array of graduate-level disciplines, including law, business, public policy, and education. Ultimately, we seek to build effective leadership and collaborative action on Asian Pacific American issues by striking dialogue and creating cross-ethnic coalitions.
The 16th Annual National APA Conference will be held on the Harvard Law School Campus and at the Harvard Faculty Club. This year, we will address what it means to be Asian American and explore the effectiveness and legitimacy of identity politics as a mechanism for positive social change. In asking "What Identity? Whose Politics?", we will inquire into such issues as the utility and value of racial and ethnic distinctions, and what, if anything, a successful Asian American owes to the Asian American community.
For more information, please view the conference website.
How to Launch an International Legal Career - Tips and advice from Baker & McKenzie LLP, February 8, 2010
When: Monday, February 8, 2010 @ 12:30-1:30
Where: Room 200 NCDH
Juste à temps pour la saison de recrutement, APLAM, en collaboration avec le cabinet Baker & McKenzie LLP, est fier de vous presenter un autre événement interessant. Celui-ci s'addresse à tous ceux qui s'interessent à une carrière international dans la pratique de droit. Veuillez notez que l'événement aura lieu le lundi, 8 février, de 12:30-13:30 dans la salle 200 NCDH.
Looking to practice law internationally or to work in international law? Have some questions about the difference? Vous voulez savoir comment faire pour pouvoir travailler sur des dossiers internationaux ou ce qu'il faut faire pour se trouver un emploi à l'étranger?
APLAM is proud to present Mr Christopher Aide from Baker & McKenzie LLP's Toronto office. As a global firm with 67 offices in 39 offices worldwide, Baker & McKenzie is uniquely placed to counsel students on starting an international career.
Mr Aide is a partner with the Firm's Toronto office who has also worked for a number of years in Baker & McKenzie’s Frankfurt practice and has been called to the bar in Ontario, England and Wales. As a seasoned recruiter for the firm's Toronto office and himself an internationally-experienced and qualified practitioner in intellectual property, Mr Aide has counselled numerous students (including a flock of McGill-ites) on what forms an "international" career can look like and what steps to take to build one.
Join us Monday, February 8th from 12.30-1.30 in Room 200 NCDH for a presentation followed by a Q&A.
Au plaisir de vous y voir!
Lunch with Justice Westmoreland-Traoré and Justice Omatsu, November 21, 2009
When: Saturday, November 21, 2009 @ 12:30pm
Where: Holiday Inn Express, 155 René Lévesque Blvd East, Montreal, QC H2X 3Z8
APLAM would like to bring to your attention a tremendous opportunity to meet two distinguished judges: Justice Westmoreland-Traoré and Justice Omatsu (short bios of each judge can be found after the email). Both have been particularly active in seeking diversity in law. APLAM members met Justice Omatsu at the FACL conference (see our article in this week's Quid) and she had expressed an interest in meeting more McGill students. True to her word, she and Justice Westmoreland-Traoré have invited us to have dim sum with them.
The lunch is taking place this Saturday, November 21st, at 12:30 PM at the Holiday Inn in Chinatown. Please RSVP at aplam.mcgill@gmail.com. Unfortunately, place is very limited and will be allocated on a first come, first serve basis. The lunch should cost approximately 15$/person.
Juanita Westmoreland-Traoré, is the first appointed black judge in the history of Quebec. She also holds the distinction of being the first black dean of a law school (University of Windsor's Faculty of Law) in Canada’s history.
Dr. Westmoreland-Traoré was born in Verdun, now part of Montreal, Quebec, in 1942. After receiving her law degree from the Université de Montréal and a doctorate from the University of Paris, she began practising law and has been doing so since 1970. From 1983 to 1985, she was a Commissioner for the Canadian Human Rights Commission. From 1991 to 1995, she was Employment Equity Commissioner of Ontario. She was appointed a Judge of the Court of Quebec for the District of Montreal in 1999.
In 1991, she was made an Officer of the National Order of Quebec
Maryka Omatsu, a sansei and daughter of Denno Omatsu and Satsuko Takishita, is Canada’s first Japanese Canadian woman judge. While practicing environmental law, she was appointed to the Ontario Court of Justice (Provincial Division) in February 1993. Born and raised in Hamilton, Ontario, she became a founding member of Sodan Kai during the early years of her legal career. Sodan Kai was established to help educate Japanese Canadians in Toronto on redress. Before her appointment to the bench, she was chair of the Ontario Human Rights Board of Inquiry, an Ontario Law Society referee and a member if the women’s issues working group of the Ontario Fair Tax Commission. A key figure on the NAJC Redress negotiation team, Judge Omatsu has written movingly about the redress victory in an award-winning book, Bittersweet Passage (Toronto: Between the Lines, 1992).
APLAM Brown Bag Lunch, November 24, 2009
When: Tuesday, November 24, 2009 @ 11:30am
Where: Thomson House
APLAM's been busy - two speakers, two national conferences, and a two-judge lunch date, to name a few. We even got to meet Justice Iacobucci!
Whether you've attended one of these events or you wanted to be at one but couldn't make it, pack a lunch, come out, and share what you've liked about APLAM, ideas you have for APLAM moving forward, our experiences at the Federation of Asian Canadian Lawyers Conference (FACL) in Toronto and the National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA) in Boston, you name it.
Professors Van Praagh and Kong will be joining us as well, so we'll get a professorial perspective on the FACL conference too.
Meet in the lobby of Thompson House.
Au plaisir de vous voir en grand nombre!
FACL Conference and Banquet, November 7, 2009
The Federation of Asian Canadian Lawyers (FACL) is holding its third annual conference and banquet on November 7, 2009 at Flavelle House at the University of Toronto Faculty of Law.
NAPABA Convention, November 18-22, 2009
Upcoming Event
APLAM would like to bring to your attention the exciting opportunity that is the NAPABA Convention, being held this November 18-22 in Boston. The NAPABA (National Asia Pacific American Bar Association) Convention will join practitioners, judges, professionals, and law students to meet and discuss relevant topics in the practice and development of law both inside and outside the Asia-Pacific Region.